June 1,2023 - July 15, 2023

Thank You Mt. Hood Thank You

Opening Reception: Thursday, June 1 , 5-8PM
Gallery Hours: By Appointment on Saturdays, 12-3PM.

Specialist presents Thank You Mt. Hood Thank You, an exhibition featuring recent works by Zoe Reid.

Prompt by Zoe Reid:

“Write an artist statement about a system or ecosystem centered around a mountain, everything is connected in a beautiful fucked up way with tubes, wires, electricity, elfbar vapes, butterflies migrating on dead technology.”


“In my artistic exploration, I delve into the intricate web of connections that exist within a system or ecosystem, drawing inspiration from the ethereal majesty of a mountain. With "Thank You Mt. Hood Thank You," I invite viewers to contemplate the complex interplay of life, technology, and nature, interwoven in a beautiful yet disquieting way.

At the heart of this piece lies a mountain, a symbol of strength, resilience, and the enduring force of nature. However, upon closer inspection, one realizes that this mountain is not isolated but serves as the focal point of a vast network of tubes, wires, and electric currents. These elements, reminiscent of a tangled neural network, symbolize the intricacies of our modern existence and the inextricable bonds between the organic and the artificial.

Amidst this entanglement, unexpected elements emerge. Elbar vapes, once symbols of contemporary indulgence, now find their place within this system, their ephemeral clouds merging with the currents of electricity. The presence of these objects is both a reflection of our dependence on technology and a reminder of the transient nature of our creations. Yet, even in their impermanence, they contribute to the system, their essence becoming part of the chaotic harmony.

Butterflies, delicate and ephemeral, form a migration pattern across the landscape of obsolete technology. These captivating creatures, known for their symbolism of transformation and freedom, find themselves drawn to the remnants of our past creations. Their presence amidst the decaying technology serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience of life and the capacity for beauty to emerge from chaos.

"Mountain's Convergence" seeks to provoke contemplation on the interplay between nature, technology, and the consequences of our actions. It invites viewers to question the delicate balance between progress and harmony, while acknowledging the inherent contradictions and complexities of our modern existence. Through this exploration, I aim to illuminate the inherent beauty that emerges when nature and technology collide, prompting a renewed appreciation for the fragile ecosystems we inhabit.

Ultimately, my intention is to invite viewers to reflect upon the delicate interconnectedness of our world, prompting a deeper understanding of the consequences of our choices and the potential for finding harmony within the chaos. "Mountain's Convergence" serves as a visual testament to the intricate dance between nature and technology, celebrating the simultaneous fragility and resilience of the systems that shape our lives.

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