September 7 ,2023 - October 21, 2023

Cannibal Galaxies

Opening Reception: Thursday, September 7, 5-8PM Gallery Hours: By Appointment on Saturdays, 12-3PM

In partnership with Coffin Farm, Specialist presents Cannibal Galaxies, an exhibition of sculptural work by Joseph Buckley.

In his first solo exhibition on the west coast, artist Joseph Buckley debuts five new sculptures that mine sci-fi and fantasy fiction, behavioral psychology, violent legacies of colonialism, and cross-cultural funerary practices.

In a world where meaningless toil continues despite the obsolescence of physical labour... In a world where billionaires will not simply allow people to live freely... What is the future of labour? I foresee bleak obscenities. What is the ultimate in dehumanising objectification? It is to be forced to become industrial furniture. – Joseph Buckley

Artist Bio

JOSEPH BUCKLEY (b.1990, Ellesmere Port) lives and works in New York City, USA. Selected solo projects include Letter From The Home Office, Lock Up International, London; Traitor Muscle, Art in General, New York and Brotherhood Tapestry, Tetley, Leeds. Selected group exhibitions include Poor Things, Fruitmarket, Edinburgh; Friends & Family, Anton Kern Gallery, New York; Trouble in Outer Heaven: Portable Ops Plus, Southwark Park Gallery, London; I Don’t Know Whether The Earth is Spinning or Not..., at the Museum of Moscow, Russia; and Cellular World: Cyborg-Human-Avatar-Horror at Gallery of Modern Art, Glasgow as part of Glasgow International. In 2021 he received a Jerome Hill Artist Fellowship. In 2022 Buckley was appointed faculty in the Sculpture Department at the Yale School of Art, New Haven.